Monday, October 20, 2008

What next?

Well we have started the flu season with a bang. Both Doug and I had it this past weekend and we are just hoping that Paige's sniffles doesn't get any worse.
Doug's Shoulder is healing well. He still can't carry heavy stuff but the doctor isn't making him wear the sling anymore. That's about the only good news we have heard about him. LOL! Well Doug went to the doctor at the U of U about his ear and it was not the best appointment. He has a major infection in his ear and he had to get two shots in his ear in two days. All while he had the flu. Poor baby. The doctor says that if the shots do not clear up the infection he has to have another, yes another, pick line. And if that doesn't work than he has to have surgery on his ear. Wonderful. He is really nervous and he hopes the shots work but we haven't seen much improvement since Friday when he got his last shot. Please remember him in your prayers. That would be a great help.
Paige gets her kindergarten pictures taken tomorrow. She is so excited that she wants me to curl her hair and make her all fancy. It is so cute.
Maddie came over to and we carved pumpkins. The girls were so excited and dad was the worse. He kept getting the girls all goopy. I had to get after him for making a bigger mess than the girls. :) Good times were had by all. Maddie is such a cutie she told us that she wanted to stay with us and play with Paige forever. Brings tears to my eyes when she says stuff like that. Doug says she crys when he is on his way taking her home. Breaks my heart because Paige and I want her here too.
I have been thinking about going back to work at a hair salon a couple days a week. Sears has given me an open ended invitation to work at the salon there so we will see. I hope my leg and shoulders can keep up with me because I think that would be awsome.

1 comment:

John and Charese said...

WOW~ Good luck with everything! Hope doug is alright! Glad you all are having good times together!