Monday, April 6, 2009

How lucky am I?

This is Doug again here. I wanted to take a minute and express to everyone just how lucky I am to have Brittany. Over the last several months, I have been through so much with my health. I've spent countless hours moaning and whining (like all men do when they hurt), and it has not been easy. I can honestly say that I have never hurt so bad as I have with this recent infection that affected my mastoid bone. Then to top it with the extremely high fevers, it was almost too much. Through it all, I had one constant thing that kept me going. That was the love and undying support of Brittany, not to mention the common sense that she brings that I definitely lack. She has the ability to be compassionate about things but practical at the same time. Through this whole ordeal, she has never let me give up, much as I've wanted to. I feel responsible at times for all of this because it does cause stress and worry. But Brittany has never made or let me feel that this is in any way my fault. She just provides me with the love and support that I need to overcome the emotional roller coaster that I've been on with the illness. I can't tell you how lucky I am to have her in my corner. She is not only the best wife in the world, but she is also my best friend and the backbone of our family. I'm wondering how I ever managed without her. I'm excited to spend forever with her and my cute princesses.

1 comment:

John and Charese said...

VERY NICE Doug! You and Britt are good for each other. I am so glad you both are so happy.